Hylic - Entity Constraints

Entities can be configured to be scheduled according to constraints. If an Entity is imported into a vat, the vat inherits the constraints. Collisions between constraints must be handled manually.

Constraints consist of a list of either tags or boolean expressions. A tag preceded by an & operator will call the equivalent function. A true boolean function/expression means that the object is able to be scheduled on a node.

~sys►resources rsc
~sys►node nd

ε HelloWorld
    - nd.is("unixborn")
    - rsc.has("keyboard")
    - rsc.gt("monitors", 2)
    - boolean-callback boolean-collision
    - nd.each()

	δ boolean-callback(env: nd►Env) -> bool
        ? rsc.present("keyboard")
            ↵ #t

Entity constraints marked with - form preambles - that is, they are executed within the kernel before object instantiation. Preamble expressions don't have access to entity members. They form an execution plan.

Entity constraints marked with + form postambles - which run after instantiation. Postamble expressions have access to entity members. Not everything can go according to plan, postambles react to and change previously made execution plans.